Are You Suitable to do Sales?

Sales career, a dream career for some and a terrible nightmare for others. So which is true for you? The GOOD NEWS is, you do not have to enter a sales job to find out what are your chances of success… we found our readers, You, a sponsorship to a USD$60 career assessment tool.

POP7 – Predictor of Potential (Sales) ver.7 has been used by many international MNCs to hire the best people into their sales team. For the past 35 years, it has been validated in a wide variety of sales cultures worldwide and its unique Predictor Score (PS) provides an extremely accurate prediction of top performance.

Why is there a sponsorship?

Our sponsor comes from a Financial Advisory firm. By sponsoring our readers, they hope to identify users with a certain POP7 score. According to their past experience, a certain type (not revealed to us) of POP7 score have an extremely high chance to succeed in their business.

Therefore, they will wish to (only if you want) share their unique business model with you if you belong to that category. From there, you decide if you want to partner with them.

In anyway, you get to keep the US$60 report for FREE with no strings attached. Here’s a link to the sample report.

How do i sign up?

Due to the high cost of the test, they can only sponsor our first 50 readers who meet the following criteria

  • Singaporean or PR
  • Age 23 and above
  • Diploma and above

If you meet their criteria, please fill out the form with your details and they will send you the POP7 link.

    Name (required)

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    Nationality (required)

    Birthday (required)






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